Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Running Again!!

OK, so it wasn't much: ten minutes, in two chunks, on the treadmill, yesterday. But it was something, and the foot didn't hurt too much (maybe even less than usual this morning). I get new orthotics in a week or so and I'm highly optimistic that that will be the real key here.

With all of the intense indoor cycling I've been doing, my cardiovascular fitness was definitely there (even if I'm hauling around an extra ten pounds). I just need to be gentle on legs that haven't felt any running impact in over two months.

April 21st isn't going to be easy, or pretty, but now there's definitely hope. There's always hope. Thanks to everyone who's given so far! One way or another, we're going to make it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can I not sign up? Way to go Art. Thanks for all that you do.