Friday, November 16, 2007

Training Woes... and Light at the End of the Tunnel

I really can't complain, given the suffering that chemo patients go through--not even close--but for the past month or so, I've been in denial about a foot injury that's made my running increasingly painful and effectively brought to a halt my preparations for the Boston Marathon (in support of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute). That's the bad news.

The good news is that, after a visit to the 'regular' doc (practically useless) a visit to the most amazing running doc on the planet (Tom Michaud, DP) who just happens to practice a mile from my house and just happens to treat many of the top runners in the world, two visits (and counting) with the amazing physical therapists at Boston Sports Medicine, plus some friendly and highly actionable advice from the non-running X-ray tech who suffers from the same condition (plantar fasciitis), I'm well on the road to recovery. (Funny how some of the most practical advice came from the lowest paid person in this entire circus.)

Just to be sure though, I'm taking a week off on the advice of DFMC team coach and 1976 Boston Marathon winner, Jack Fultz who knows a thing or two about running--as well as injury. In order to keep the withdrawal symptoms to a minimum, I hopped on my cobweb-covered CompuTrainer last night. Man, am I out of cycling shape! A long way from my last triathlon five and a half years ago at Ironman New Zealand.

Wise readers of this blog may wish to buy stock in Advil.

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